Thursday, June 21, 2012

Three Years Later...

Yesterday was our three year anniversary. We got chinese takeout from Oliver's favorite: Hunan One and had a carpet picnic in the living room. We then took a nap and watched The Dark Knight (we're more excited for the new one now that we watched that again). And just when we thought our night was complete....we walked to Dairy Queen for ice cream! Best night ever!
Here's some snap shots from three years ago and what we were doing on that day.
June 20, 2009

(This was our roller coaster prep, for Six Flags)

A lot has happened in three years and there's a lot more yet to come!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I {heart} mod podge

My Date Night Jar. Oliver may not like it but I do! Now to put it into effect. And to get Oliver to add some of his own date night ideas. He's not such a willing participant so far.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dells Run 2012

This past weekend was the Dells Run. My Dad won best of show, stock for his red Fiero (obviously all stock). Mom, Dad, Brittany, Alex, Laurie, Bob, Kyle, Kaylee, Devon, Destiny, Leah, Tracy, Lisa, Oliver and I were all there for the weekend. We had tons of fun swimming in the waterpark (outside was too cold), eating good food, and enjoying all the Fieros. My dad sure is popular with the Fiero crowd too. He has a lot of friends and a lot of people that want to talk to him!

My Snickers Chimichunga...aka little piece of heaven! (It looks fancier when it's not to go)

(Most of the pictures are on Oliver's camera, but it was one heck of a weekend!)

Memorial Day

I think this Memorial Day was pretty awesome. I have one hefty t-shirt tan to prove it too :) I rode a bike to the Neenah-Menasha Parade to meet up with my dad and brother. I rode as far as I could and was at the corner they were supposed to be at but it took a good 15ish minutes before I realized they were right across the street from me. I did a quick run across at a slow point in the parade and was able to watch the end of it. Then my dad said he and Alex were going to check out a car show in Omro and asked if I wanted to go. It was a nice little show.

It was a very hot day and Alex's ice cream melted much faster than he could eat it. We then spent the evening eating good food out on the front porch with my parents and Oliver's parents. Alex is pretty hilarious when he is over here. Usually when he comes over he likes to search for my cats, go to the park, and then read books out on the front porch. So when he came to eat dinner he really acts like he owns the place! He likes to run inside to look through the windows at everyone on the porch and then do it all over again. And he sure knew how to get some delicious fruit punch soda from Oliver, every time he went inside. It was an awesome day.